What a calendar week this has been for this tech blog! I lastly moved it from blogspot subdomain to a custom domain. I direct maintain been wanting to create this since a long fourth dimension (ever since this weblog started getting some attention), simply I somehow couldn't create out to create thence because of the fearfulness of losing search traffic.

Google's recent deed to redirect blogspot.com to province specific sub domains helped me solidify my determination to the extent of lastly moving. I made a lot of other changes every bit good in addition to direct maintain listed every bit much of them every bit possible every bit they mightiness aid some of you lot who are also planning to brand the move. I direct maintain listed them inwards the fellowship inwards which I made them.

 I lastly moved it from blogspot subdomain to a custom domain How to Move a Blogger Blog to Your Own Domain: Tips in addition to Tricks

1) Registered TweakAndTrick.com.

2) Changed my domain's settings to shroud personal information from beingness displayed inwards the who is database.

3) Modified my domain's CNAME in addition to H5N1 records to correctly holler for to Google's servers. Check this page from Blogger for details regarding this step.

4) Generally, it takes some fourth dimension for your domain registrar to completely update the settings mentioned above. So, if you lot similar a shot holler for your novel domain to your blog, users volition encounter a 404 error. To avoid this, I created a novel BlogSpot weblog in addition to modified its settings to holler for to my novel domain.

5) When my domain correctly started loading the temporary blog, I modified this blog's settings to link it to the novel domain. Now my novel domain was correctly loading my blog. While doing this, I made certain to select redirecting the non www version to the www one.

 I lastly moved it from blogspot subdomain to a custom domain How to Move a Blogger Blog to Your Own Domain: Tips in addition to Tricks

6) Downloaded my blog's template in addition to opened the downloaded XML file inwards Wordpad. I thence used Wordpad's Find in addition to Replace business office to supplant each occurrence of tweakandtrick.blogspot.com alongside www.tweakandtrick.com in addition to uploaded the modified template. This automatically changed all navigational links to travel the novel domain.

7) Some widgets even thence had links pointing to the blogspot subdomain. I changed them manually.

8) Went to Google Webmaster Tools, added my novel domain and submitted the total sitemap. Normal Blogger feeds present exclusively xx URLs, thence inwards fellowship to submit all the URLs, I submitted a custom queried feed that includes 500 URLs.

Normal Feed: /atom.xml

Feed I Submitted: /atom.xml?redirect=false&orderby=updated&max-results=500

9) Bing also brings considerable amount of traffic to this blog. So, I added the novel domain to Bing Webmaster Tools in addition to submitted the same sitemap.

10) Blogspot uses 301 permanent redirects to redirect visitors to novel domains. This should direct maintain ordinarily allowed Google to similar a shot index my novel blog's URLs simply it did not. So, I resubmitted my sometime blog's consummate sitemap inwards Google Webmaster Tools. As the Blogspot weblog had some authorisation inwards Google, GWT rapidly processed the sitemap in addition to similar a shot noticed that all those posts had moved to the novel domain. This notified Google to index my content nether the novel domain in addition to afterward almost 12 hours, my sometime blogspot URL's started getting replaced past times the novel ones.

 I lastly moved it from blogspot subdomain to a custom domain How to Move a Blogger Blog to Your Own Domain: Tips in addition to Tricks

11) Notified readers of the deed on Facebook in addition to Twitter.

12) After making the move, my search traffic is means lower than normal. This should alter in addition to traffic should furnish to normal ane time search engines completely transfer my Blogspot subdomain's trust in addition to authorisation to this novel one.

Some other changes I made

1) Used Feedburner's MyBrand characteristic to transfer my FeedBurner feed to my ain sub-domain.

2) Modified my social profiles to link to my novel domain.

3) Earlier, my about page in addition to categories on this blog were elementary posts that included dates inwards the URL. This made them expect ugly, thence I shifted these to independent pages in addition to canonicalized the sometime pages to novel ones.

Some Noticeable Benefits
It is likewise early on to tell this simply always since I moved to my ain domain, the subscription charge per unit of measurement has gone upwardly considerably. It has also increased the per centum of users who are completing the subscription process. 

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